Monday, April 18, 2016

Lead Paint Safe Practices Syracuse NY

If you live in the city or an older home around Syracuse that was built before 1978 there is a chance you have lead based paint somewhere under the surface.  There are simple test kits available at your local store that are easy to use inside or out.  Depending on the extent of your renovation it may be more practical to hire a pro to test it.  Children and your pets are most susceptible to the harmful effects of the dust created when removing lead based paints.  It is better to be safe than sorry when removing this type of paint inside your house or out.  In this case we will talking about removing exterior paint that contains lead.

Painting contractors performing this type of work must be certified. When it comes to the health and well being of your own it is important to consider the benefits of having it done correctly to minimize any exposure to lead dust.  Yes it is going to cost more to have it done correctly but what's more important:  quick and questionable or methodical and safe?  I choose safe and will performing this type of removal all spring and summer all over Onondaga County.  For instance my company will be removing large amounts of paint from my own home this spring and we have a 6 month old baby and dearly loved lab like many families.  In order to minimize exposure we follow procedures that contain, collect and knock down any dust during removal.  You are probably asking well Bill what is it you do exactly so here it is:

1.  We contain the areas we are working in by laying down very thick/mil  heavy duty plastic.  This plastic cover is extended out 10-15 feet from the house and securely attached with gorilla tape and staples.
2.  Windows are closed tightly and covered with plastic on the outside same as above.
3.  If the area we are working in is close to a neighbors property or there is abnormal wind we set up a vertical containment to prevent the dust and chips from blowing around.
4.  Before hand scraping we hose down the area we will be working on so dust is not an issue.  So when we are scraping the paint chips off no dust is created and it drops to the plastic without incident
5.  Once the area is done we wipe it down with wet sponges to remove any dust or dirt
6.  The paint chips are safely disposed along with plastic and any other materials used for removal.
7.  The area is thoroughly vacuumed with a HEPA Vacuum
8.  If you choose to have the paint sanded off we use a tool that sands/grinds it off while vacuuming it up into a HEPA Safe Vacuum
9.  FYI:  HEPA safe vacuums are specifically used because they are equipped to collect dust and debris without redistributing it out the back like your typical shop vac.  It's a closed system and they are not cheap.

By following lead safe practices and hiring a certified contractor for its removal you can rest assured your family will be safe during and after the project is completed period.  Be wary of the painter who does or says otherwise about these practices. 

Donigan Painting
224 Ross Park
Syracuse NY 13208

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