This time of year you may be thinking about tackling cleaning your deck for a variety of reasons. A lot of times as a painting contractor homeowners call me because their decks have mildew buildup, have greyed, the stain has faded or they can no longer walk on it barefoot due to the wood cracking-checking.
For a DIY'er you need to figure out what you want it to look like. Pressure treated wood typically looks great with a solid stain applied over it and is very common at most Central NY homes because it holds up so well with our seasons. If your deck was previously stained with a solid stain, not paint, you can go over it with another solid stain after following these steps:
1. Buy a deck cleaning solution and stiff bristle brush that can attach to a pole.
2. Grab a paint scraper or five in one and scrape off loose stain. Clean up the debris. A shop vac works great because it gets all the fine particles.
3. Use an 80 grit sand sponge and pole sander to go over the entire deck. This will knock down any thing stuck on there and will give you a smooth service that will absorb the stain better.
4. Grab your deck cleaning solution and follow the manufacturers suggested mixing ratio. An easy way to apply the cleaning solution evenly is to buy or use a garden sprayer. A 2-3 gallon capacity is the right size. Apply and scrub it in then let it sit for the recommended time and rinse.
5. Now that your deck is clean and prepped wait a couple to a few days for it to dry before applying your stain. A good rule of thumb to check for dryness is to take a small amount of water and drip it on the deck. If it is absorbed your are good to go. If it beads up it is to soon.
My next blog will cover what product is best for your deck and how to apply it. Some deck staining products are better than others in different situations. If you have a deck that is older with a lot of cracks there is a product that can potentially restore it. Stay tuned!
Bill Donigan
Donigan Painting
Syracuse NY 13208
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Friday, April 21, 2017
How to paint your front door Syracuse NY, Manlius NY, Fayetteville NY, Dewitt NY, Camillus NY, Baldswinsville NY, Cicero NY
A common diy home project is putting a new coat of paint on your front door. It will brighten up a spot you use every day and it is a very inexpensive way to make your entry door beautiful. Here is a tried and true way of going at this small project to make it easy on you and make the paint coating last for years to come.
1. Buy One quart of a high quality exterior 100% acrylic paint. Paying a little more will get you a lot more bang for your buck. Higher quality paint that is all acrylic sticks better, has a higher solids count which means the coating is tougher and color will not fade as quickly as a latex paint. Most entry doors have a gloss sheen so that they hold up to constant use so pick a paint that is a semi-gloss or satin sheen so there is a shine and it is easier to clean. Pickup up a roller kit, 120 grit sand sponge, 2 inch brush. You can usually find cabinet roller kits at a big box for around $10. The nap or sponge cover puts the paint on very smoothly and doesn't leave brush marks.
2. Put down a drop cloth or contractors paper at the doors base to prevent getting paint on your floors or threshold.
3. Remove the doors knob and any other hardware like a knocker or nails for hanging your Christmas wreath. In my experience the paint goes on a lot smoother when you are not catching your roller on a nail or going around a door knob or latch. The time it takes to take it off will save you on possible getting paint on the hardware and avoiding brush marks for a smooth finish. Or you can wrap painters tape around the knob. Either way works.
4. Grab your 120 grit sand sponge and give your door a good sanding. By scuffing the door you are creating a solid surface for the paint to catch to. A lot of times entry doors are painted with a gloss sheen or shiny finish so it needs to be removed for the new paint to adhere correctly. Once you are done sanding take a damp rag and thoroughly wipe the dust and paint off the door. You may have to do this a few times to get it completely clean.
5. Get your quart of paint and shake or stir it for about a minute. Pour a third of it onto your small rolling tray that you bought. Pour a third into a cut can or another paint can that you can use to apply the paint with a brush. Pictured below is the correct sequence to paint a panel door. If your door is flat you can roll all of it. So load up your roller and work in quarter sections of the door from top to bottom to achieve a uniform coat of paint. The best way to get it on evenly is to work in an N-pattern when applying the paint. This means literally roll out an N in your quarter section then roll from where you ended the letter back to the start of it. Repeat on all sections.
6. Your door is going to need a few hours to dry so plan on leaving it open or at least cracked
slightly for this amount of time. If you close it to soon the paint will pull off and stick to the jam.
7. Once it has dried replace the door knob and other hardware. You now have a great looking entry door!
Bill Donigan
Donigan Painting
Syracuse NY 13208
315-313-3254 or 315-748-6323
1. Buy One quart of a high quality exterior 100% acrylic paint. Paying a little more will get you a lot more bang for your buck. Higher quality paint that is all acrylic sticks better, has a higher solids count which means the coating is tougher and color will not fade as quickly as a latex paint. Most entry doors have a gloss sheen so that they hold up to constant use so pick a paint that is a semi-gloss or satin sheen so there is a shine and it is easier to clean. Pickup up a roller kit, 120 grit sand sponge, 2 inch brush. You can usually find cabinet roller kits at a big box for around $10. The nap or sponge cover puts the paint on very smoothly and doesn't leave brush marks.
2. Put down a drop cloth or contractors paper at the doors base to prevent getting paint on your floors or threshold.
3. Remove the doors knob and any other hardware like a knocker or nails for hanging your Christmas wreath. In my experience the paint goes on a lot smoother when you are not catching your roller on a nail or going around a door knob or latch. The time it takes to take it off will save you on possible getting paint on the hardware and avoiding brush marks for a smooth finish. Or you can wrap painters tape around the knob. Either way works.
4. Grab your 120 grit sand sponge and give your door a good sanding. By scuffing the door you are creating a solid surface for the paint to catch to. A lot of times entry doors are painted with a gloss sheen or shiny finish so it needs to be removed for the new paint to adhere correctly. Once you are done sanding take a damp rag and thoroughly wipe the dust and paint off the door. You may have to do this a few times to get it completely clean.
5. Get your quart of paint and shake or stir it for about a minute. Pour a third of it onto your small rolling tray that you bought. Pour a third into a cut can or another paint can that you can use to apply the paint with a brush. Pictured below is the correct sequence to paint a panel door. If your door is flat you can roll all of it. So load up your roller and work in quarter sections of the door from top to bottom to achieve a uniform coat of paint. The best way to get it on evenly is to work in an N-pattern when applying the paint. This means literally roll out an N in your quarter section then roll from where you ended the letter back to the start of it. Repeat on all sections.
6. Your door is going to need a few hours to dry so plan on leaving it open or at least cracked
slightly for this amount of time. If you close it to soon the paint will pull off and stick to the jam.
7. Once it has dried replace the door knob and other hardware. You now have a great looking entry door!
Bill Donigan
Donigan Painting
Syracuse NY 13208
315-313-3254 or 315-748-6323
Thursday, April 20, 2017
How much does it cost to paint my house?
This is a question many of my house painting customers have when they contact me. There are many variables that go into what your home will cost to paint. The condition of your clapboard, shingles, asbestos, aluminum has a lot to do with this number. The more prep work there is, the larger the house, height of it, drastic color change, shutters etc. factor into why if you get 5 quotes they can be all over the place price wise. It helps to know the color you plan to use or at least have an idea and how much prep work you want done. Your basic scrape and paint involves just that. The painting crew will remove peeling paint, prime it and apply a new coat of paint. Lets say this is plan A. Plan B will include all of Plan A plus pressure washing, oil priming, caulking gaps-seams, applying two coats of paint. Plan C will include all of the above plus meticulously sanding the removed paint till it is flush with the existing paint and a coat of primer. Each plan involves more prep work as you go from A-C.
If your home was built before 1978 this means there is a distinct possibility that lead paint was used on it at one time. More prep work is needed to complete the job safely. First you will want the painting contractor to be EPA Lead Safe Certified RRP. This certification tells you that you are dealing with a professional who cares about your family and his crew. More precautions will be taken to contain and safely remove peeling paint from your home if this is the case. This also means it will cost more money because there are many more steps to completing the prep work on your home.
So lets get to the meet and bones of it so you can get an idea of what a fair price should include and be around to paint your home this spring or summer. For this example lets use Plan B as your choice for painting your house. Lets also say that your home is three stories, being painted from a light gray to a bright white with black shutters, is cedar clapboard and needs a fair amount of hand scraping to remove peeling paint. To get the square footage we will measure each side of the houses length and multiple it by the height. For the sake of argument lets say its 3500sqft. This means your painter is going to use about 15-17 gallons of paint to complete this project. So the price for a high quality exterior paint from either Benjamin Moore or Sherwin Williams is anywhere from $60-$90 a gallon. So for 17 gallons at $60-$90 your paint alone is going to cost right around $1,100.00-$1,600.00. Next is the labor charge. Lets say your paint job is going to take a week with 4-5 pro's doing the work. Our companies rate will be in and around $8,000.00 + paint/materials+ equipment which may involve renting a boom lift to safely reach your dormers on the third floor or other areas that are hard to reach. Now lets put it all together, your material-paint charge is going to be around $1,500.00-$2,000.00 with a just in case factor included(some houses suck up paint believe it or not) plus labor at $8,000.00 + a lift ($1,600.00) for a week equals $11,100.00. If no lift is needed $9,500.00. Now lets flip this back to Plan A- your basic scrape and paint your price will be around $7,500.00. The house pictured below is my basis for this example. It is a home we painted in Manlius recently without a lift charge.
Keep in mind I'm painting this picture with a very broad stroke because the reality is if you want an accurate estimate that takes into account what exactly you want done you are going to need to schedule an appointment with your painter to walk around and discuss what is important to you so your quote can be tailored to your wishes. It's very easy to get on your computer and go to the next great service site to get three free quotes from area painters but what level of quality and expertise is being exercised from a keyboard? Please schedule an appointment at our website below to meet with me to lay out all the features and benefits you can have by working one on one with a professional house painting contractor who is considering what you want so that you get exactly what you need to make your houses paint job look great for years to come. Filling out our contact form takes a few seconds and you can get familiar with are operation. We're the real deal and if we meet I will give it to you straight so that you know what it's going to take to achieve your dream paint job that makes you proud every time you come home.
Bill Donigan
Donigan Painting
224 Ross Park
Syracuse NY 13208
315-313-3254 or 315-748-6323
If your home was built before 1978 this means there is a distinct possibility that lead paint was used on it at one time. More prep work is needed to complete the job safely. First you will want the painting contractor to be EPA Lead Safe Certified RRP. This certification tells you that you are dealing with a professional who cares about your family and his crew. More precautions will be taken to contain and safely remove peeling paint from your home if this is the case. This also means it will cost more money because there are many more steps to completing the prep work on your home.
So lets get to the meet and bones of it so you can get an idea of what a fair price should include and be around to paint your home this spring or summer. For this example lets use Plan B as your choice for painting your house. Lets also say that your home is three stories, being painted from a light gray to a bright white with black shutters, is cedar clapboard and needs a fair amount of hand scraping to remove peeling paint. To get the square footage we will measure each side of the houses length and multiple it by the height. For the sake of argument lets say its 3500sqft. This means your painter is going to use about 15-17 gallons of paint to complete this project. So the price for a high quality exterior paint from either Benjamin Moore or Sherwin Williams is anywhere from $60-$90 a gallon. So for 17 gallons at $60-$90 your paint alone is going to cost right around $1,100.00-$1,600.00. Next is the labor charge. Lets say your paint job is going to take a week with 4-5 pro's doing the work. Our companies rate will be in and around $8,000.00 + paint/materials+ equipment which may involve renting a boom lift to safely reach your dormers on the third floor or other areas that are hard to reach. Now lets put it all together, your material-paint charge is going to be around $1,500.00-$2,000.00 with a just in case factor included(some houses suck up paint believe it or not) plus labor at $8,000.00 + a lift ($1,600.00) for a week equals $11,100.00. If no lift is needed $9,500.00. Now lets flip this back to Plan A- your basic scrape and paint your price will be around $7,500.00. The house pictured below is my basis for this example. It is a home we painted in Manlius recently without a lift charge.
Keep in mind I'm painting this picture with a very broad stroke because the reality is if you want an accurate estimate that takes into account what exactly you want done you are going to need to schedule an appointment with your painter to walk around and discuss what is important to you so your quote can be tailored to your wishes. It's very easy to get on your computer and go to the next great service site to get three free quotes from area painters but what level of quality and expertise is being exercised from a keyboard? Please schedule an appointment at our website below to meet with me to lay out all the features and benefits you can have by working one on one with a professional house painting contractor who is considering what you want so that you get exactly what you need to make your houses paint job look great for years to come. Filling out our contact form takes a few seconds and you can get familiar with are operation. We're the real deal and if we meet I will give it to you straight so that you know what it's going to take to achieve your dream paint job that makes you proud every time you come home.
Bill Donigan
Donigan Painting
224 Ross Park
Syracuse NY 13208
315-313-3254 or 315-748-6323
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
How much does it cost to paint a room?
Here's a question a lot of home owners ask. How much to paint this room? Typically when you are going to have a room painted the painter is going to help you, if you haven't already, figure out what exactly you need painted. For instance, say you want your master bedroom painted. Lets say its 20x12x8. You may want your ceilings painted a flat bright white, walls a tan color with a satin finish so it won't scuff up easily and a two doors-two-windows-base molding-molding painted with a semi-gloss bright white. The base molding needs to be caulked to fill gaps and a bunch of nail holes from pictures need to be filled. First off, as a painter I am going to figure out how much prep work will be needed for this room. Then how much paint. There is 512 square feet of wall area, 240 square feet of ceiling area and 180 linear feet of molding including 2 windows and a 2 doors. So you are going to need 3 gallons of wall paint because each gallon covers about 300 square feet and two coats are applied. The second coat covers with much less paint. For the ceiling you are going to need two gallons of paint to cover it twice, it covers at the same rate as wall paint except it is typically in a flat sheen. For the molding-windows and doors you will need a gallon. It is more cost effective to buy a gallon vs two quarts for your molding-trim and chances are you can use what's left somewhere else. Here is how I break down an interior paint job.
Prep Work :
1. Move furniture or center and cover with plastic
2. Lay drop clothes or cover floor with contractors paper
3. Sand walls, molding, doors, windows
4.Vacuum and wipe them down.
5. Fill nail holes, caulk and clean
6. Tape out molding and doors
7. Remove hardware and store
Painting :
1. Cut in and apply two coats ceiling paint. In my experience ceilings suck up paint because they are more porous and typically painted with a flat sheen over and over. So two coats are usually needed to get it true.
2. Apply enamel paint to all molding, doors, windows
3. Tape out all molding once it has dried
4. Cut in and apply two coats wall paint
Cleaning & Restoration:
1. Remove tape, plastic and drop clothes
2. Clean area
3. Reset furniture
4. Replace hardware
This is how a professional painter who is going to approach your room that needs to be painted. So the cost to paint this master bedroom including high quality paint+materials from Benjamin Moore or Sherwin-Williams will be about $1500.00-1,800.00. High quality middle of the road interior paint from a paint retailer cost about $40-$50 and up a gallon for your walls, a gallon of a good bright white ceiling paint cost about $20-$25 per gallon, the molding-door enamel is $50-$60 a gallon. You also have to factor in roller covers, rollers, pan liners, tape, plastic, clean drop clothes, joint compound, caulk, sand paper, cleaning supplies. Paint and materials add up to around $400-$500. There are options that will change the price such as no ceiling or molding, one coat vs two, no furniture to move. For a room half this size it would be half the cost. If you take out the ceiling and molding work it will cost about $900.00.
When you hire a professional you will benefit from their extensive experience in producing show quality results that will last. Your hard earned dollars are being spent on an optimal result and great experience that will leave your home looking great, maintaining its value and looking exactly like the picturesque home you desire. The best way to determine the actual cost is to schedule an appointment so that your painter can see exactly what you need done. There are many variables that go into an accurate estimate. Please visit our website listed below for more information and to schedule an appointment.
Bill Donigan
Donigan Painting
Syracuse NY 13208
Prep Work :
1. Move furniture or center and cover with plastic
2. Lay drop clothes or cover floor with contractors paper
3. Sand walls, molding, doors, windows
4.Vacuum and wipe them down.
5. Fill nail holes, caulk and clean
6. Tape out molding and doors
7. Remove hardware and store
Painting :
1. Cut in and apply two coats ceiling paint. In my experience ceilings suck up paint because they are more porous and typically painted with a flat sheen over and over. So two coats are usually needed to get it true.
2. Apply enamel paint to all molding, doors, windows
3. Tape out all molding once it has dried
4. Cut in and apply two coats wall paint
Cleaning & Restoration:
1. Remove tape, plastic and drop clothes
2. Clean area
3. Reset furniture
4. Replace hardware
This is how a professional painter who is going to approach your room that needs to be painted. So the cost to paint this master bedroom including high quality paint+materials from Benjamin Moore or Sherwin-Williams will be about $1500.00-1,800.00. High quality middle of the road interior paint from a paint retailer cost about $40-$50 and up a gallon for your walls, a gallon of a good bright white ceiling paint cost about $20-$25 per gallon, the molding-door enamel is $50-$60 a gallon. You also have to factor in roller covers, rollers, pan liners, tape, plastic, clean drop clothes, joint compound, caulk, sand paper, cleaning supplies. Paint and materials add up to around $400-$500. There are options that will change the price such as no ceiling or molding, one coat vs two, no furniture to move. For a room half this size it would be half the cost. If you take out the ceiling and molding work it will cost about $900.00.
When you hire a professional you will benefit from their extensive experience in producing show quality results that will last. Your hard earned dollars are being spent on an optimal result and great experience that will leave your home looking great, maintaining its value and looking exactly like the picturesque home you desire. The best way to determine the actual cost is to schedule an appointment so that your painter can see exactly what you need done. There are many variables that go into an accurate estimate. Please visit our website listed below for more information and to schedule an appointment.
Bill Donigan
Donigan Painting
Syracuse NY 13208
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
House Painting Eastwood
Recently Donigan Painting worked at a customers home in the Eastwood Neighborhood of Syracuse. Tony's house is aluminum siding. It was thoroughly cleaned with sodium triphosphate to remove the chalky buildup. One coat of oil primer was applied followed by one coat of Sherwin Williams Super Paint in a flat sheen beige. Windows and trim were painted with the same product in a light yellow satin sheen. Call today for your free estimate and color consultation and visit our website below to learn more about what we have to offer for your next painting project.
Donigan Painting
Syracuse NY 13208
Donigan Painting
Syracuse NY 13208
Friday, April 14, 2017
Exterior House Painting Syracuse University Syracuse NY
Recently Donigan Painting landed another Syracuse University exterior paint job at 114 Circle Road from a referral around the corner on Berkeley Drive. Tom needed his three story colonial painted. We thoroughly hand scraped peeling paint, cleaned the siding, oil primed, caulked gaps and seams before applying two coats of Benjamin Moore Regal Exterior in a bright flat white. We took special care not to damage plant life around the home by setting up temporary cover with plywood-plastic -drop clothes. Being an older home Lead Safe Practices were used to contain dust and dispose of debris in compliance with EPA guidelines. Prior to this repaint we painted the outside of 115 Circle Road before the new homeowner moved in. On this job we painted all the dark green trim with the same product above and same process. Please call us for your free quote today. There is no obligation. For more pics of recent work please visit the website and blog below or YouTube-search Donigan Painting.
Bill Donigan
Donigan Painting--EPA RRP Certified Lead Safe
224 Ross Park
Syracuse NY 13208
Bill Donigan
Donigan Painting--EPA RRP Certified Lead Safe
224 Ross Park
Syracuse NY 13208
Monday, April 3, 2017
Exterior House Painting Syracuse NY
Recently we restored a Syracuse University Tudor home at 316 Berkeley Drive for defense lawyer Ed Menken. His wife Lorrie chose traditional colors for Tudor homes in this area that met neighborhood standards for historical preservation. They chose to have extensive prep work that included HEPA Sanding nearly all of their molding and trim that was buckling. We spent two weeks getting their home ready for paint meticulously cleaning, caulking and priming. Two coats of Benjamin Moore Regal Exterior were applied, all the windows were cleaned and we even re-stained their deck because they were such great customers.
Bill Donigan
Donigan Painting-EPA RRP Certified Lead Safe
Syracuse NY 13208
Bill Donigan
Donigan Painting-EPA RRP Certified Lead Safe
Syracuse NY 13208
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